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IQTaxi Finance

The smart way to manage the financial data of your business. Easily and efficiently! Meet our Integrated suite of financial management and benefit of the automated and real-time information and management of your financial assets and liabilities.
  • Manage the data of your Drivers and Clients
  • Compensation Management
  • Handle Subscriptions and Registrations
  • Income / Outcome managment
  • Aggregate Reports
  • Balance calculation


IQTaxi Voice & Video Logger

Take care of your call center services and protect your working environment using the system IQTaxi Voice & Video Logger. The system records all the calls managed by the call center and the workplace for your safety.


IQTaxi Statistics

Get the information you want from your database, inspect the indicators of your interest and analyze every aspect of your business. The IQTaxi Statistics give you access to your business operational facts and figures and advanced tools for the statistical analysis of your data (calls, rank, Messages, Penalties, Bike Path)


Telephone center & Hardware manipulation

Connect your telephone center with the call management application for caller ID recognition and automatic answering with one click. The IQTaxi Telephone Center Hardware Manipulation works in conjunction with Deskop version IQTaxi Call Center.


